Maria Langer

Maria L. Langer is the author of more than 75 non-fiction books,[1] several ebooks,[2] video media training materials,[3] and hundreds of magazine and Web-published articles.[4]

Langer is also a commercial helicopter pilot and operates a helicopter tour and charter business based in Phoenix, Arizona, in the United States. She has written for several aviation magazines, including Sport Aviation, Aircraft Owner Online and HeliNews.

Langer graduated from Hofstra University in 1982 with a BBA in Accounting.


Langer's first published work appeared in 1991 as the written materials for a 4-1/2 day course offered by the Institute of Internal Auditors. After writing other training materials for that organization, she was hired as a ghostwriter for four chapters of a John Dvorak book called Dvorak's Inside Track to the Mac (1991). She partnered with Dvorak co-author Bernard J. David to co-author The Mac Shareware Emporium (1992). From that point forward, she worked mostly alone on dozens of computer how-to books for beginning to intermediate users. Her publishers include Peachpit Press, O'Reilly, McGraw-Hill, and Macmillan.[1]

Starting in the early 1990s, Langer authored numerous articles about using computers for a wide range of print and Web-based publications.


  1. ^ a b Langer, Maria. "Books". Retrieved 3 January 2012. 
  2. ^ Langer, Maria. "Ebooks". Retrieved 3 January 2012. 
  3. ^ Langer, Maria. "Videos". Retrieved 3 January 2012. 
  4. ^ Langer, Maria. "Articles". Retrieved 3 January 2012. 

External links